
Located in the heart of Bowen Island, surrounded on two sides by Crippen Regional Park, with easy access to park trails, Snug Cove House is ideally situated.

Snug Cove House will be within walking or scooter distance of local amenities: the pharmacy, the post office, the library, art gallery, grocery stores, and soon the new community centre, fire hall, and medical centre. The residence will be adjacent to Bowen Court, where many seniors live independently in community. The house is on the bus route to the village, and very close to both the ambulance station and the RCMP headquarters. We’ll have our own bus for special trips, car and scooter parking will be available, and the Translink bus will stop at the front door.

credit: Map by James McWilliam

- Map by James McWilliam

View from the top floor lounge
View from the top floor lounge